
Please choose a year to print the related news

12024-08-21Hepatitis B Virus Database loaded (release 61.0, 109296 entries, 143683376 residues).
22024-08-19Tools update:
- Annotate:
 - fixed missing non-functional annotation since release 54
 - updated taxonomy
- Genotype:
 - updated scoring
 - updated confidence
 - updated recombinant detection
 - updated similarity search tool

These changes will be used in the computation of the coming release 61.
32024-07-22Service interruption between July 25 17h00 Paris time and July 26 12h00 Paris time.
42024-07-22Updated BLAST+ to version 2.16.0.
52024-04-11HBVdb entry view pages are now accessible from permanent URLs.
62024-04-10Hepatitis B Virus Database loaded (release 60.0, 108683 entries, 142650779 residues).
72024-03-26Annotate/Genotype/Resistance tools:
- updated to support mostly N sequences (like consensus sequence of HBV genomes from sequencing run)
- fixed parameters for FASTA program 36.3.8i May, 2023
- fixed missing link to FASTA file used for genotyping when query length is 301 nt
Coming release 60 will take into account the fixed FASTA parameters and correct wrong entries of releases 58 and 59 (~1-2%).
82024-03-21Updated Contact form to improve robustness against antispam filters.
92024-03-12Hardware and software upgraded. We apologize for disrupted service during first week of March.
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