

HBVdb is a database that contains a collection of computer-annotated Hepatitis B Virus sequences, developed by the Pr Fabien Zoulim's team at CRCL and PRABI. HBVdb aimed at (i) annotating HBV sequences, (ii) providing information about the genotype and about the proteins coded by these sequences, (iii) profiling drug resitance and (iv) giving friendly access to bioinformatic tools to extract and analyze these HBV sequences.


HBVdb: a knowledge database for Hepatitis B Virus.
Hayer J., Jadeau F., Deléage G., Kay A., Zoulim F., Combet C.
Nucleic Acids Res., 2013, 41:D566-D570.


The team involved in the development of HBVdb:


HBVdb is funded thanks to these contracts:

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